Several good things happened today. Firstly it turned out the Dan and Gemma have joined my class! Gemma is one of the founding members of Cambridge Lindy Hoppers and moved on at about the same time that I joined, so that I always thought of her as a super-advanced legendary star teacher. Dan and Gemma together are now moderately famous Balboa teachers. To share a class with them is a huge honour for me, even if it is only because they missed the auditions to attend Maria and Gérald's wedding, which is of course another good thing. Secondly, all three of our lessons today were with Vincenzo and Katja, who I don't think teach regularly together but who turned out to be an amazing duo. The subject of the class was blending each move into the next, and to exercise us they constructed an evil 18-bar fast choreography. I feel that if I just keep practising it over and over again with different partners then my dancing will steadily improve. That's pretty much the perfect outcome from a lesson. Thirdly, I was walking back from lunch with Tom talking about the early Lindy Hoppers and about the camp's old timers, and we quickly hit the limits of our knowledge. In this situation I would normally reach for the internet, but as luck would have it we met Frida Sergedahl coming the other way, so we just asked her. She was delighted, and told us: - Chaz Young is Frankie Manning's biological son, but does not share his surname because his parents were not married. - Norma Miller and Frankie Manning were contemporaries in Whitey's Lindy Hoppers. - She didn't know why Dawn Hampton has become one of the camp's old timers, nor how, as it happened before her time, but we agreed she was a great asset. And fourthly, I think this pseudo-blog and my Facebook updates have persuaded at least two Cambridge people to come to Herräng next year. :-) While I am dropping names, I happened to find myself having lunch with Michael and Evita yesterday. I hope they will come to Cambridge to teach a weekend workshop next year. I also met the blues teacher Alba in the foyer.