The time needed for a flu virus to cause symptoms is now approximately equal to the time since the camp opened, and a number of people are beginning to suffer. If you have a compromised immune system, you should probably avoid crowds in which more than forty countries are represented, and if you do end up in such a crowd, you probably shouldn't dance with everybody. I probably have just a few sniffle-free days left. The easiest cure seems to be a couple of nights' decent sleep. The dance banan was practically deserted between 10pm and 11pm this evening. I'm not sure why. Maybe everybody went to the evening classes. I hope the same happens tomorrow, so that I can properly practice skills other than floorcraft. The library, which was dedicated to slow dance last week, is now dedicated to Balboa. I observe with interest and suppressed sniggers that serious Balboa dancers tend to wear a particular style of vintage-looking thick-rimmed glasses. Maybe it helps them to identify each other. The camp organisation continues to amaze me. Today the café was unable to give people their change because they ran out of 100SEK notes. I had to borrow money to pay for lunch. There were plenty of 100SEK notes elsewhere in the camp. Talking of lunch, I have just eaten my fifth meal of the day, not including snacks, despite coming home early. Meals 2, 3 and 4 were respectively coq au vin, greek pie, and roast chicken. My mother would be proud. Now I am going to get an early (1am) night, as I have four classes tomorrow, with the first at 10am.